Monday, September 30, 2019

A Snowy Monday

I guess we should have said Hello Winter!  If only we had more time to play outside today as the temperature was just right to play in the snow!  For the most part, students were well prepared to play and get wet.  It's a great idea to label clothing, especially mittens!  Lots of wet feet today too, so an extra pair of socks wouldn't hurt.

-If you are sending an item in your child's lunch that requires a spoon, please remember to send one.
-We Scare Hunger Food Bank collection begins tomorrow (October 1)

Thanks for your help!

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Busy Week

This week our focus was on the Zones of Regulation!  We learned that our emotions can change throughout the day, and in order to do our best learning, we need to be calm and focused (green zone).

Here is a visual

Together we came up with strategies for when we are in a blue or yellow zone.  Your child's job is to explain these zones to you and a strategy that they might use.

We said goodbye to Summer and hello to Fall.  After reading a fall story, students created their own poem using a specific pattern.  Have a look at a few...

Stay warm this weekend!

We Scare Hunger!

Auburn Bay School is patterning with the Calgary Food Bank once again this October to help fight hunger in our community.

The We Scare Hunger campaign officially begins Tuesday, October 1 and will end on October 31.  We invite you to be a part of the change our students are working hard to create.  Students have been asked to bring in food bank items throughout the next month.  Last year we brought in 1720 pounds of food.  Our goal this year is 1800 pounds as a school.

Together we can make a difference!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Terry Fox Run (September 25)

Toonies for Terry 

Auburn Bay School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 25th. As we lead up to our run, classes will be working towards increasing their stamina in Phys. Ed while fundraising money for cancer research. Please bring in Toonies for Terry to your classroom teacher as we spread cancer awareness.

On the day of the run, it is important that students wear appropriate outside shoes for walking/running along with dressing appropriately for the weather that day. Parents are welcome to join us for this event out on the soccer field at 1:45 PM on Wednesday, September 25th. The Terry Fox Run will last approximately 15 minutes and students will line up with their homeroom teacher to go back inside for the remainder of the afternoon when we have finished. We kindly ask parents to wait outside while this is happening and to pick up your child from their normal dismissal spot.

Each student will wear a sticker which says "I am running for....".  Your child could simply run for Terry Fox, or for someone important to your family.  Please help your child decide who to write on the name tag.  Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


If you haven't already sent back the school forms, please do so as soon as possible.  It's important that we have up-to-date contact information for all of our students.

On Thursday and Friday, we will have an opportunity to meet during Parent Teacher Conferences.  This is an opportunity for you to share information about your child.  In preparation for our interview, please think about specific learning goals for your child, as well as any friendship, social or behavioral goals that might apply.

Today we reviewed some simple sight words that need to be spelled correctly in our daily work.  For some of us these words were easy, while for others they were hard.  We really worked hard to print these letters using proper letter formation and sizing.  Here are this week's words:  with, day, am, can, went.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Golden Rule

On Friday we read a special book called "The Golden Rule". Ask your child about the discussion we had afterwards....

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up this week on Thursday and Friday.  Please log in through your MyCBE account to book a conference.  A reminder that students will be dismissed at noon on Thursday. If you experience difficulties with booking a conference, please call the office for assistance.  This is an opportunity for you to share strategies and goals with me to best support your child in Grade 2.  

As we begin using technology more frequently within the classroom, students are encouraged to bring in a pair of inexpensive earphones or earbuds to use in class.  Please send them in a labeled bag.

As always, I can be reached at with any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11

We are working on building our writing "muscles"!  Students created a heart map with the things that are most important to them.  From this, they were asked to pick a topic of choice to write about.

Our stamina is improving as the expectation is to write at least 3 sentences within the time given.  Students are being encouraged to use their personal word list to assist them in spelling certain words, and to sound out new words as they write.  Today we worked on printing the letter Cc correctly.  Students are being encouraged to apply what they practice during printing times to their daily work.  Ask your child what he or she wrote about today.

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Rainy Monday

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Students were given a math problem today to begin thinking about patterns.  During the month of September, we will be creating, extending and looking at patterns within our environment.  Here is the problem that was given....

There are 25 students in Mrs. R-W's class.  She asked them to line up Boy, Girl, Girl.  Would the last student be a boy or a girl?  Show how you know!

No tricking these students!  More work with patterns to come!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Marshmallow Challenge

Students were given a STEM challenge to complete this morning!  In small groups, they were asked to build the tallest tower using spaghetti, tape and one marshmallow.  The twist was that the marshmallow had to be on the top!  This was a challenging task to be sure!  Afterwards we reflected...

"The first time it fell and we rebuilt it so it was more stable"

 "Ours kept breaking so we made it smaller"

"We weren't so gentle so the spaghetti broke, so we got more gentle"

"The key in one word - BASE"

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Open House 5:00 - 6:00

It's been a super busy and fun filled couple of days in Grade 2!  We are learning more about each other, and the routines in our Grade 2 classroom.  It's been especially fun to go to our first gym and music classes!  We have gym everyday for 30 mins, and we have music twice a week for 30 mins.

Today we did some writing.  Students were asked to write a letter to me with at least 5 facts about themselves.  Lots of information was shared including teams, hobbies, pets and strengths at school!  In Math, we grouped ourselves according to the month that we were born, and graphed the results.  We determined that March has the MOST birthdays, and April has the LEAST.

Tonight is our Open House from 5:00 - 6:00.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again!  It took a few tries, but here is our first class photo!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Day of Grade 2!

Thank you for checking our Classroom Blog!  Please check back often to see what we are doing in Grade 2!

Students handled new routines well today, including a change to their lunchroom routine from last year.  This year, students will be playing first and then eating their lunch.  I did provide some extra time after lunch for those who needed more time to eat.  We do have a peanut allergy in our classroom, so we ask that you do your best to refrain from sending food items that contain peanuts. 

Many students arrived with indoor shoes to leave in the classroom.  Before it gets wet and muddy, all students will need a pair to keep at school.  Please make sure that your child knows how to tie their shoes if the shoes have laces.  Thanks for your help with this.

On Thursday, your child will have the opportunity to show you our classroom.  We have an Open House scheduled from 5:00 - 6:00.  During Parent Teacher Conferences later in the month, we will have the opportunity to discuss learning goals for your child this year.

I look forward to a wonderful year together.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at