We began writing our own stories today about a raindrop (or snowflake) and it's journey through the Water Cycle. Today the cloud burst, and the drop fell to the ground in the form of rain, hail or snow. Tomorrow we will continue writing about the "collection" stage of the cycle.
We reviewed 5 new high frequency words: know, new, play right, and were. We are practicing these and others during our daily Word Work Centers. We also talked about using the suffix -ed when writing the past tense of a word (played).
In math, we reviewed Even and Odd numbers. Today we defined them and sorted some even and odd numbers. Ask your child to tell you what makes a number even or odd.
In Social Studies we have been learning about the Prairies. Today we learned about the extreme weather that can happen on the Prairies.
To date we have 67 items for the Food Bank. Our goal is 100 items by October 31! Keep sending them in!