Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 14, 2019

This week we learned how to make our writing more interesting using similes!  A simile compares two similar objects using 'like' or 'as'.  After reading a book called "My Dog is as Smelly as a Dirty Socks", we had some fun writing smilies for our family members.

We also read a special book called, "If you're not from the Prairie" which will guide our writing next week.

In math we have been practicing two strategies which will help us add numbers to 18 more efficiently.  We reviewed "friendly numbers" which are the pairs of numbers that add up to 10.  (1,9. 2,8. 3,7  4,6  5,5).  We learned a game called Make 10 Go Fish that can be played at home!  We also reviewed our doubles facts to 18.

In Science we did two experiments.  We learned that only some solids dissolve completely in water.  We also learned that different types of material have different rates of absorption.  

A reminder to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences.  

Families are required to log into My CBE/PowerSchool Account   beginning Sunday November 17th , starting at 6:00 am to book an interview time with their child's teacher.