We began our day with a classroom meeting, and discussed what kindness looks like in the classroom! We came up with several ideas such as; helping, sharing, listening, apologizing, and including others. After reading a special book called, "Invisible Boy" by Trudy Ludwig, we talked about ways to show kindness to others. During the month of February, we will focus on Random Acts of Kindness.....showing that we care about others without being asked. We are creating a special tree in our classroom with all of the kind things we do each day. Ask your child what he or she did today to show kindness.
A reminder that on Wednesday, February 5th our class will be able to perform in the mini-talent show during music time. Some acts will be picked to perform in the bigger show on February 12th.
In Math we have begun to look at subtracting with "borrowing". We used pictures of base 10 blocks today. This is a great skill to be practicing at home.