Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  It sounds like everyone had a wonderful break, full of adventures in the snow and time with family and friends.

This week we will focus in on our winter break and do some writing using the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why).  Students will practice editing their work, and will have the opportunity to participate in some peer editing.

In Math we reviewed place value, and how to represent two digit numbers using Base 10 Blocks.  Some of us had forgotten over the holiday.  For example, this image represents the number 35.  (3 tens, and 5 ones).

After reviewing place value, we looked at adding two numbers together using our blocks.  This was fun!

We ended the day with a special task of coming up with just one word to describe something we would like to work on in the New Year.  Student word goals for the New Year included words such as; share, kind, read, math, calm, responsible, play and visit.  A common theme with the students seemed to be doing things at home other than technology.  I'll post some pictures in the next couple of days of the finished product.

Tomorrow we begin learning about the community of Nunavut!  Stay tuned....