Thank you for returning field trip notices so promptly! Fees are now able to be paid on-line! Thank you!
After some quiet reading, we wrote about our weekends as we had so much to say! Students were reminded of the goals that they chose, either to work on making their writing more interesting OR easier to read! Ask your child what his or her writing goal is.
We were very excited to gather snow and make a snowball for the insulators that we built on Friday. Turns out that metal was the best material to use! In fact we are still waiting to see how long a snowball will last in one of the insulators. Well done H and D!
Tomorrow we will begin to look at animals who live in the Arctic, and how they are adapted to live in the cold weather.
Tomorrow we will have an assembly about Jump Rope for Heart. Please watch for an information package coming home in your child's backpack in the next couple of days. A reminder that Friday is a PD day for students!
20 minutes of reading a night is something to aim for! Keep up the great work Room 135!