Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10, 2020

3D Shapes:  Students have had an opportunity to look more closely at 3D shapes.  They have learned about the attributes that make 3D shapes unique, such as faces, vertices, and edges.  Students had an opportunity to build different shapes using a variety of materials, and are currently writing riddles for others to solve.

In Writing, students continue to practice Instructional Writing, and "How to" stories.  Today students wrote tips to help inform about global warming and the melting sea ice.  Students have some many writing pieces that they want to share next week during conferences!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3, 2020

During Math today we tried a new thinking routine called, "It is / It isn't.  Students were given the number 26, and here is what they came up with as a group:

We will try this again tomorrow with another math concept.

Last week......

We continued our work with Dash and Dot.  As a class, we created a map of Nunavut which included some landmarks and animals.  After recording the map in their books, students were partnered up and given a unique challenge.  Example - move from the school to the airport.  What made it even trickier was coming up with more than one way to complete the challenge.  Students began by creating a code in their books, and then they programmed Dash and tested their code!  Almost everyone was successful in completing their challenge!  If you notice, each square is 30 cm which makes it interesting when figuring out how far Dash has to move at a time.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Pink Shirt Day - tomorrow!

To acknowledge Auburn Bay School’s participation in Pink Shirt Day tomorrow, February 26, and to continue the fight against bullying, students and staff will be encouraged to wear something pink. Pink became the color for standing up to bullying when two students in Nova Scotia stood up to bullying in their high school.  A student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school and these students showed their support for him by buying pink shirts and encouraging other students to wear them. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

February 18

We began the day with some sharing about our weekends.  It sounds like everyone had a lot of fun!

Today we learned about the types of homes that the Inuit used to live in.  In the summer, they would make tents from wooden poles and deerskin, while in the winter they would build igloos.  Things are much different today in Iqaluit.  Students also worked on finishing up their Ted Harrison art.  The finished pieces look amazing!

In Math, we continued to work on double digit subtraction with regrouping.  This is proving to be a challenge!  These are the two methods that we are using so far.....

Please continue to practice at home.  

Tomorrow we get to do some ROBOTICS with Mr. Neiger!  Pictures to come!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

February 11, 2020

Thank you to the Volunteers who joined us at the Glenbow Museum!  It was a wonderful day, filled with new facts and experiences.  A highlight for many was seeing the tipi, and visiting the exhibits with the model plane and statue of Cyclone the horse.  Here are a few pictures of our day.

A reminder that we will be exchanging Valentines in the afternoon tomorrow!  Exciting!  The Grade 2 and 4 Talent Show is at 1:00 for those who advanced to the big show!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Few Reminders

Field trip on Monday!


8:00:  Begin boarding buses

8:10:  Leave for the Glenbow Museum

8:45:  Brief on-site orientation inside the museum

9:00 – 10:45:            
Mrs. R-W: Nitsitapiisinni: Our Way of Life
Miss Oberg:  Discovery Adventure

11:00 – 11:30:  Lunch break

11:45 – 1:30:            
Mrs. R-W:  Discovery Adventure
Miss Oberg: Nitsitapiisinni: Our Way of Life
1:45:  Board the buses for Auburn Bay School

Students will ONLY be bringing their lunch kit to Glenbow on Monday (Glenbow instructed us that we are not to bring backpacks).  Please put water bottles in the lunch kit, attach it, or place the lunch kit and water bottle in a plastic bag. 

THANK YOU for your help and assistance with this! 

Valentine's Day

On the afternoon of February 12th, we will have a Valentine exchange in the afternoon.  If students wish to bring Valentine's cards, they must make one for each student in the class.  Here are a list of names to help!

Hannah     Sloane     Alex     Avery     Andie     Danika      Colby      Will     Gavin

Aleyna     Fizza     Isabella     Katia      Haley      Megan      Brayden     Hunter      Mykiah

Aaliyah    Mark      Addi     Tyson      Elijah      Damien     Lexi

Monday, February 3, 2020

Random Acts of Kindness

We began our day with a classroom meeting, and discussed what kindness looks like in the classroom!  We came up with several ideas such as; helping, sharing, listening, apologizing, and including others.  After reading a special book called, "Invisible Boy" by Trudy Ludwig, we talked about ways to show kindness to others.  During the month of February, we will focus on Random Acts of Kindness.....showing that we care about others without being asked.  We are creating a special tree in our classroom with all of the kind things we do each day.  Ask your child what he or she did today to show kindness.

A reminder that on Wednesday, February 5th our class will be able to perform in the mini-talent show during music time.  Some acts will be picked to perform in the bigger show on February 12th.

In Math we have begun to look at subtracting with "borrowing". We used pictures of base 10 blocks today.  This is a great skill to be practicing at home.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Peanut Allergy

We have a student in our class with a peanut allergy.  If at all possible, please avoid sending Birthday treats, or Valentine's Day treats that contain peanuts.  Thank you for your help with this!

Monday, January 27, 2020

January 27, 2019

Thank you for returning field trip notices so promptly!  Fees are now able to be paid on-line!  Thank you!

After some quiet reading, we wrote about our weekends as we had so much to say!  Students were reminded of the goals that they chose, either to work on making their writing more interesting OR easier to read!  Ask your child what his or her writing goal is.

We were very excited to gather snow and make a snowball for the insulators that we built on Friday.  Turns out that metal was the best material to use!  In fact we are still waiting to see how long a snowball will last in one of the insulators.  Well done H and D!

Tomorrow we will begin to look at animals who live in the Arctic, and how they are adapted to live in the cold weather. 

Tomorrow we will have an assembly about Jump Rope for Heart.  Please watch for an information package coming home in your child's backpack in the next couple of days.  A reminder that Friday is a PD day for students!

20 minutes of reading a night is something to aim for!  Keep up the great work Room 135!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Talent Show / Fieldtrip

You will have received a field trip form in your child's backpack for the Glenbow Museum.  The on-line payment through MyCBE is delayed, and the fee hasn't been loaded into your account just yet.  Please check your account next week or send in cash if you prefer.  Thanks!

Mini-Talent Show

Who: Grade 2 and 4 performers
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Where: School Gym
Time: 9:30am

Things that can be considered for the talent show (but not limited to):
· Gymnastics routine
· Dance routine
· Martial Arts routine: but has to be a choreographed/pre-planned routine
· Playing an instrument: practiced piece
· Comedy: has to be appropriate jokes and must be funny
· Singing with or without music but the music has to be played quietly and the child has to really know the words. Instrumental only is preferable.
· Made up song or rap
· Dramatic reading

Mini-Talent Show / Auditions will take place for our class on February 5th.

Please check the music Blog for additional information https://auburnbaymusicmakers.blogspot.com/

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A few things....

1.  We will be going on a field trip to the Glenbow Museum on February 10th, all day. We are in need of at least 4 volunteers to accompany our class! Please email me if you are able to volunteer with usYou need to have your police clearance completed through the school.

Permission slips etc to follow!

2.  We will be building insulators as a part of our Hot and Cold Unit.  We are in need of:
-aluminum cans / jars
-plastic yogurt containers
-plastic bags
-bubble wrap
-Saran Wrap
Thanks for your help!

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Chilly Week!

Student Word Goals for the New Year!

Opinion Writing

Students were introduced to a graphic organizer called, "OREO".  This is a format used when writing about an opinion.  0 - Opinion
                              R - Reason
                              E - Examples
                              0 - Opinion

Afterwards, they had to share their opinions about OREO cookies.  There may have been a celebration with OREO cookies afterwards.  We will continue this type of writing throughout the week.  


We read a special book called, "Hide and Sneak" by Michael Kusugak.  This is a story about a little girl who wanders too far into the Tundra, and discovers that an Inukshuk is a landmark that symbolizes home.  


We continued to practice double digit addition without regrouping.  We focused on completing our questions by stacking the numbers on top of each other.  Tomorrow we will begin to look at questions that require regrouping. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Lion King!

We are very excited to invite students in Grades 1 through 4 to join the musical production of Disney’s “The Lion King Kids” .

Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 and will continue to take place every Tuesday AND Thursday. Students MUST bring their lunches on rehearsal days. Rehearsals will take place from 11:45 – 12:15 every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch.

If your son or daughter is interested in performing in the musical, the form below will need to be filled out and returned to the Mrs. Bourgeois by Friday, January 17th, 2020. 

***The final production will take place on Thursday, April 30th in the evening at the First Alliance Church. Ticket information will come out closer to the date***

Should you have any questions regarding the musical please do not hesitate to contact me hmbourgeois@cbe.ab.ca. Thank you in advance for your support and we are looking forward to embarking on this musical adventure together!

Mrs. Bourgeois and Auburn Bay Staff

Lion King Parent Letter

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Students will be studying gymnastics during Phys Ed from Tuesday, January 7th till Thursday, January 24th.
*Please wear clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable. Sweats and a t-shirt are great clothing options (Remembering not to have TOO loose of a top on)
*Please try to avoid dresses or skirts 
*If you have long hair please try your best to have it in a ponytail so that it does not go in your face

Alissa Miller
Phys. ED Specialist

Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  It sounds like everyone had a wonderful break, full of adventures in the snow and time with family and friends.

This week we will focus in on our winter break and do some writing using the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why).  Students will practice editing their work, and will have the opportunity to participate in some peer editing.

In Math we reviewed place value, and how to represent two digit numbers using Base 10 Blocks.  Some of us had forgotten over the holiday.  For example, this image represents the number 35.  (3 tens, and 5 ones).

After reviewing place value, we looked at adding two numbers together using our blocks.  This was fun!

We ended the day with a special task of coming up with just one word to describe something we would like to work on in the New Year.  Student word goals for the New Year included words such as; share, kind, read, math, calm, responsible, play and visit.  A common theme with the students seemed to be doing things at home other than technology.  I'll post some pictures in the next couple of days of the finished product.

Tomorrow we begin learning about the community of Nunavut!  Stay tuned....